We are all on a journey through this life, and we face struggles along the way.  Those struggles take many forms; depression, anxiety, trauma, mental health, financial, young adult issues, marriage and family relationships, even your faith.  The question is, where do you turn for help when you experience these struggles.  Sadly, most people try to handle it themselves because they're don't know where to turn, or they're embarrassed, or they can't afford getting treatment.  

That's where "Healing Journeys" comes in.   

Here at Naples Christian Church we have a team of individuals who can help.  Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and educations.  Several have college degrees majoring in psychology.  Many have worked in the mental health field.  All have had additional specialized training.  Most important, they ALL love the Lord, they love God's people, and they want to help God's people journey through the struggles of life.

Our team does not practice as mental health professionals, and so there are limits as to how we can help.  But just as a Physician Assistant, helps out a doctor, we can help in many areas, and then refer you to a licensed counselor or psychologist when needed.

We care about YOU, and want to help you journey through the struggles of life.  

one on one coaching

In addition to the special groups listed below, we also have one on one coaching available.  A coach will work with you personally to help you through the struggle you are dealing with.  As listed above those struggles can include; depression, anxiety, trauma, mental health, financial, young adult issues, marriage and family relationships, even your faith.  Or maybe you just need someone to talk to someone about your issues.  We are here for you.  All coaching sessions are absolutely private and confidential.

A Time To Heal Beyond Survival

A Time to Heal Beyond Survival™ is a healing journey that offers hope, healing, and restoration to survivors of rape, sexual abuse or human trafficking, as well as other areas of trauma, hurt and brokenness. This healing can be experienced through small groups an, one-on-one counseling.

You were not made to merely survive, you were made to thrive.

If you’re struggling and in a place of barely surviving,

trauma does not have to have the final say.
It is your time to heal!

lift group 4 girls

Lift Group 4 Girls is a God honoring discipleship program that pairs mature women mentors with girls and younger women. Meeting each week for 2 hrs to share a meal , they will engage  in creative arts and connect through reading and discussion of Lies that Young Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wogelmuth and Dana Gresch. Service projects , special celebratory outings and life skill lessons will be woven into the fabric of each LIFT GROUP 4 GIRLS.

Experience financial peace

One area where many are struggling today is in their finances.  In fact financial concerns and disagreements is one of the major causes of marital conflict.  

Periodically we will run a video based Financial Peace University Class, taught by Dave Ramsey and his team.

One of our coaches has been trained and certified as a Master Financial Coach, and is available to meet with you on a one on one basis.